This is an android version of CPU information ,CPU tells you about system information.
All the information that is required to get to know about device that includes processors,cores,
hardware information etc.
The information includes the on system chip information that shows Chip name,Architecture,clock speed speed boost on each cycle.
more on it includes Device information like device brand & model,screen resolution,RAM storaneg,Processing quality,etc.
last but not the least is the battery information of your device that includes levels of battery,tcapacity and temperature control.
This information is very helpful for validationg your android device in order to have all the info in depth for more in depth detail
The user friendly inferface is designed for being user friendly while getting information about the device.There is a simple way to fetch the data
about the device in depth and keep it safe for further details.Software information,device connectivity,usage,sustanbility every thing can be fetched in the
form of data.
Just swipe in the menu of the device infor where you can access the followin information.
* Battery,Battery levels,Charging capacity.
* Screen display,Size And screen Density.
* Ram shows toal memory,used memory,Free space.
* Device name,Model name,manufacturer,Device Quality
* Operating system that includes SDK and manufacturer name and details.
* processor with processors speed and functionality
* Hardware information with model in depth details and hardware info
* Storage info: internal and external memory details.
* Root Details wether the device is rooted or not.